What is the HK Prize?

hk prize is an international award that honors scientists whose research has had a profound effect on society. It is open to researchers worldwide and chosen through an impartial selection process free from sponsorship or committee influences. Its winner receives both a financial reward as well as international exposure.

This year’s finalists ranged from students who used their creativity to help homeless people to an artist reinterpreting human rights into fine art concepts; truly impressive individuals all. They each made a difference in the lives of those around them and in turn, Hong Kong as a whole. Their achievements inspire us to continue to work together to create a better world.

The HK Prize is an annual award given to those who make a significant impact in their fields and communities. The prizes are awarded by a panel of judges, which is comprised of renowned academics and industry professionals. Those who make it to the final list will receive monetary prizes, shopping vouchers and F&B benefits at awards ceremonies held throughout the city. This is a highly competitive contest, so it is important to read all rules carefully before applying to avoid being disqualified.

Founded in 2020 by the Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation with support from Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRIZE recognizes scientific researchers and research teams for their remarkable innovations in the areas of artificial intelligence/robotics, life/healthcare, new materials/new energy, advanced manufacturing and FinTech. It aims to encourage more scientists to pursue their innovation passion, working together to build on Hong Kong’s strengths, serve the country and contribute to the world.

Kyan CHEUNG Ka-Hin and Ethan SOH Jon-Yi of Harrow International School in Hong Kong won the 2023 hk prize for a groundbreaking solution to an existing mathematics problem. Their research demonstrates exceptional problem-solving skills as well as in-depth knowledge of Hong Kong culture and history.

It is a good idea to play at a reputable online gambling website like hkpools, in order to increase your chances of winning. However, you should also remember to play responsibly and within your budget. Also, always be sure to read the terms and conditions of the site before deciding to deposit any money.

The HK prize is an excellent way to showcase Hong Kong’s unique talents. The finalists are an inspiring group of people, from journalists who expose human rights abuses to activists who risk their lives for freedom of speech and professors who invented liquid biopsy to allow doctors to detect cancer more quickly. This shows that Hong Kong is a vibrant and innovative place, and it can take its place on the global stage. The prize is a wonderful way to honor these people for their hard work and dedication.

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