As the heat of summer hits Hong Kong, many people head to hk pools to get in some cool, refreshing swimming. Hong Kong has 44 public pools, many with kiddie pools and water slides to make a day out of it. And best of all, entry is cheap as chips! Adult admission is HK$17 on weekdays and HK$19 on weekends and public holidays. Kids under three are free.
Visiting a hk pool is not only fun for the whole family, but swimming also provides many health benefits. It reduces stress, boosts energy and increases metabolism. In fact, a regular swim just three times per week can lower blood pressure and increase bone density. Plus, it can help prevent high blood sugar levels and improve heart health.
But before you hit the pool, it’s important to know what to look out for. For example, some pools are closed for cleaning on different days of the week or occasionally throughout the year. So check the Leisure and Cultural Services Department website before you plan your trip to make sure your chosen pool is open when you want it to be!
Another thing to keep in mind is that some hk pools require a deposit for lockers. This is to discourage people from stealing valuables from the lockers. A refundable coin is placed inside the lock before it can be used, and it must be returned after the swim. The lockers are usually located near the entrance.
While the hk pools are great for getting some exercise in, they’re not ideal for those with disabilities or who are pregnant. Some hk pools have disabled access and lifeguards trained to assist people with special needs. Others have lifts or wheelchair access for those who need it.
Despite these efforts, not all hk pools are accessible to everyone. The Kowloon Park Public Pool, for example, is not easily reachable for those living in the northeast of the city. But the good news is that a new hk pool opened recently to replace it, and it will offer better accessibility for those in the area.
One of the main problems with hk pools is that they often experience shortages of lifeguards, which is largely due to the LCSD reducing their workforce in 2004. The lifeguards union has spoken out against this and has even staged protests at a number of the pools.
If you’re looking for a pool that has plenty of water slides, try Tsing Yi. The pool has seven pools in total including a teaching, diving and leisure pools. It is also home to two large water slides, perfect for older children and teenagers. However, the pool is closed for cleaning on Mondays.