What is the HK Prize?

The hk prize is an award that recognizes excellence in scientific research conducted by young Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. Submissions are welcome in any field of clinical practice, including general medicine and its subspecialties, as well as in basic science. The winning entry must be a single-authored article published in a peer-reviewed journal no earlier than 1 January 2021. Applicants should submit a copy of the published manuscript and a separate blinded abstract of not more than 500 words.

The winner of the HK Prize will receive a cash prize, a plaque and access to research facilities in Hong Kong. In addition, the winner will be given the opportunity to attend a special awards ceremony to share their work with the public. They will also have the chance to network with other scientists in the region.

In recent years, the HK Prize has been awarded to a wide range of individuals and groups. This year’s winners include a young man who uses technology to assist homeless individuals and an artist who reinterprets human rights into fine art concepts. The prizes will be presented at the M+ museum in Hong Kong in September.

If you’re interested in applying for the HK Prize, make sure to visit their official website to learn more about the rules and regulations. This contest is highly competitive, and it’s not for everyone – but if you have the talent and dedication to win, it’s definitely worth the effort!

HK Prize is one of the most prestigious writing competitions in the world, and it can be extremely lucrative for those who are successful. The top ten finalists will receive both a monetary prize and a plaque at the awards ceremony, as well as perks such as shopping vouchers and F&B discounts. While the competition is fierce, it’s well worth pursuing if you’re an author who loves to write about Asian culture and history.

The HK Prize is a highly coveted prize that rewards authors with exceptional talent and determination. The judging panel will assess your writing skills and your understanding of Hong Kong culture and history, so it’s important to prepare thoroughly before you apply. While the HK Prize isn’t for every writer, it’s an excellent opportunity to build your reputation and increase your cultural awareness of Hong Kong.